
Tribe has a growing presence in the health sector across DHBs, Primary Health and health support services and companies. We are considering the implications of the Health& Disability Review as well as the outcomes of Wai2575 on the future shape of the sector. Amongst these issues is that Maori health funding remains at <2% of over $220B investment into the sector since 2000.

Tribe’s Executive Search Lead, David Hammond, supported the process to place an Independent Chair and Chief Executive with Te Kaupapa Mahitahi Hauora Northland PHE on behalf of the combined boards of Te Tai Takerau PHO and Manaia PHO and undertook a Board review and new Trustee appointments.

David also works with the National Hauora Coalition in the review and replacement of Board, development of the Competency Framework, restructure of staffing and placement of senior staff to build the capability of NHC to respond to the outcomes of Wai2575 and the Health & Disability Review. David has also placed DHB executive staff and the Chief Executive of Hauora Hokianga.

David’s involvement with primary health care extends to support of St John where he has been a 9-year volunteer and in a professional capacity he developed the national St John Community Health Services Strategic Plan 2017-23, and St John’s National Social Isolation Strategy in 2018. David has also placed the Chancellor and Independent Board members on St John, as well as a staff member on the ELT.

For Nelson City Council David drew together the collaboration of ministries, local government, Māori and social agencies to address the issue of homelessness in Nelson in 2017 under a Mayoral Taskforce structure and resolved the 6-year Trafalgar Street footpath occupation of well-known identity, Lewis Stanton, also known as Hone Ma Heke.

To find out more about how our Executive Search services can contribute to the success of your organisation, contact David Hammond on 027 444 6368 or email


How Can We Help

David Hammond - Tribe

David Hammond

Executive Search Lead
+64 27 444 6368

Mia Mrsic - Tribe

Mia Mrsic

Project Manager & Researcher
+64 27 213 2356

Alexis Brook - Tribe

Alexis Brook

Executive Search Administrator
+64 27 269 8691

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