Read: Leave Your Role on a Good Note

Lorrae Natale is part of Tribe's business & admin team, and after recently leaving her role, explains why it's important to leave on a good note. 

I felt this was a topic I could personally resonate with as I have recently left an organisation to start my next chapter with the wonderful team here at Tribe. 

Firstly, it’s a small world. I would go as far as saying New Zealand is a small town in some ways so it’s even more important to always do the right thing. I thought about the top four things I consider before leaving my recent role, so here it goes...

Don’t burn bridges

As I mentioned, New Zealand is small, you never know when you will cross paths again with old colleagues or somebody who knows you. A great example of this is if you are looking to engage with somebody on a professional level often you will turn to LinkedIn or social media. If you see you have a common connection what is the first thing you do? I know I would personally reach out to my mutual connection for their opinion or perspective! Word-of-mouth is a huge part of your personal brand, so keep things nice and polite regardless of the situation you are in with your employer.  

Be ready for the unexpected

I think this one is particularly important when you genuinely love your work, colleagues and company. A lot of emotion is attached to a workplace whether it be to your achievements, friends you have made or the routine in your commute. If you are successful in your role it is more than likely your company will do what they can to keep you. I would suggest remembering and writing down all of the reasons you chose to leave in the first place before you do deliver the dreaded news. This is a great reminder for when you have that moment of uncertainty when your boss offers you that $10k extra you always wanted. 

Say thank you 

Expressing gratitude and acknowledgement for those who have helped you in your journey will always be remembered. Take time to thank everybody who has helped or influenced you through your time within an organisation. 

Finish on a high 

Something I am personally passionate about is finishing on a high. Why spoil or taint your years of hard work and commitment in a company by finishing any other way? Your manager and colleagues will remember those last moments you spent there so make them count. Don’t drop the ball!


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