Read: What's your job?

Effective Interviewing Tribe Office

Do you apply to an industry, business or just a job? 

Let’s cover off what you do when youre considering that next ‘great’ role. 

Often we hear “I want to make a career change”. Funnily enough, this happens when it’s a candidate rich market and employers are spoilt for choice. And too often we hear “I’m happy to take a pay cut”.  Some people will discuss a significant drop, tending to happen when market competitiveness is high. However, little consideration is given to the impact of these statements. 

Think about your strategy! Ask yourself “What do you want, but more importantly, WHY? 

Many people can’t answer ‘why’. A sense of entitlement may develop and one believes a promotion is deserved; Roles may be chosen out of necessity or desperation; And then there’s the “I hate where I work reason. 

Some thought provokers: 

  • If you want to make a career change, use the skills you have now to get into your preferred industry or business.  Then, work on developing the new capability set. 
  • If it’s about where you work, seek out the culture you need.  Jobs develop, but cultures rarely change, not in the short term anyway. Know what matters and do your due-diligence. Get to the interview and ask the questions you need – don’t make a call based on others opinion. You need to qualify an employer for yourself. 
  • If you’ll take a pay-cut, be practical.  You can give a desperate impression and undervalue your actual capability. It can also make employers nervous,  questioning if you’re a flight risk. 
  • Work out what you don’t want!  You may need to try a few things to get the answer. A contract market is good for this, but word of advice: whatever you do, do it well Canberra is small. 
  • Write your own resume. If you need to, seek assistance in relation to the context to best deliver your capabilities, but know your content! 
  • Use a resume as you should – to sell your experience.  Don’t use motherhood statements. Use fact and figures to demonstrate your achievements.  If you read your content and anyone could have written it – rework it! 
  • Don’t align a resume only to the advert or job description. It will look like every other application! You never know who the reader is – those extra capabilities included could be the difference between you and others! 

Whatever you do - don’t take a ‘cookie cutter’ approach!  Have a plan and own your career - it’s no one else’s job! 


If you are struggling with your next career move get in touch with Sandy Gibbs - for more about our outplacement support services. 


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