LoveHR Festival 2023

Stephanie Love of LoveHR, led the charge with this fantastic HR event, focused on thinking differently. Attended by a large selection of both HR and people leaders, The HR Changemakers Festival (held on 9 & 10 November) was all about challenging the status quo! Sandy Gibbs at Tribe was proud to be in a room amongst a great bunch of thought-provoking leaders. 

Over the two days, a selection of keynote speakers talked about their own journeys, while presenting research, data and other’s stories, to emphasise the value of DEI. The passion was incredible, with each speaker educating the room across their area of expertise. The specialist detail and nuggets of information were invaluable, but underpinning every message was the fundamental reality that every person matters! Phil Turner, CEO of NZ Disability Employers Network, highlighted this through the statement “it’s less about the need per say; but meeting all people needs” ie. “Let it be about the person, versus the process”. 

let it be about the person, versus the process

Let’s recognise the range of people’s needs across the organisation; let’s respect and accommodate those needs; and let’s enable people to be their best selves by supporting those needs. Does it need to be a policy? Maybe not. Does it need to have a name? Maybe not. What it needs is to be recognised, be leader led, and to simply be “the way we work around here”. Champion this stuff, bridge the gap, and become a tribe that people seek out – it’s your EVP for the now, and for future generations. 


Want to talk more about HR, People & Culture? Have a chat with Sandy today:

Sandy Gibbs

Head of People, Culture & Capability
+64 27 583 7411



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